Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz and Michelle Williams for InStyle US March 2013

Photographed by Michelangelo Di Battista

Michelle, on boyfriend Jason Segel: “He is nice… I didn’t actually realize who he was before I started dating him. I mean, I saw the Muppets movie, and I thought, ‘oh, that’s cute,’ but the truth is I didn’t realize he made a lot of very popular, funny movies or was on a TV show. But maybe more important, I didn’t realize he was so tall [6’4”]. I thought, ‘Hey, man, you’re cramping my style!’ I tried wearing wedge heels for a while to compensate, but it wasn’t me and I just gave up.”

Mila, on an embarrassing article of clothing: “I’ve been wearing the same pair of dark green Old Navy cargo pants, like, non-stop, for 15 years. I think I paid $4.99, on clearance. My friends hate them so much they hide them from me. When those pants fall apart, I swear I’m going to get someone to copy them for me.”

Rachel on her tomboy past: “As a teenager I used to dress in big, baggy men’s suits. I always try to hold on to something butch.”

Rachel, on her favorite part of filming Oz: “Michelle’s daughter [Matilda] and my son [Henry] are about the same age, so they went to camp together, and we took them bowling. It was really fun for me and Michelle too, because you don’t get that many mommy playdates in our business.”

Courtesy of InStyle

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