Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Andrew Garfield for Nylon Guys July 2012

On reviews for his work in Death of a Salesman: “I haven’t read any. I keep my head down. That’s something I struggle with – the whole validation thing. You know, like, we all need validation as human beings. We all need a pat on the back occasionally – like, the monkey gets a banana, or, ‘You’re doing all right, keep going.’ But I started to depend on it, and really need it.”

On his personality: “I’m very introspective. I’m working on it because sometimes it can tip over into too much, and it becomes debilitating. I’ve got a lot to think about right now because of my life changing because of the play, and this movie [The Amazing Spider-Man].”

On fame: “The exposure that’s going to come with [Spider-Man] doesn’t make me happy, and I’ve discovered that I do just want to be an actor – I don’t have any interest in being a movie star. I’m finding out where that distinction is.”

Credit @ Nylon


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