Thursday, March 1, 2012

Katy Perry for 'Interview' Magazine March 2012

Katy Perry covers the new issue of Interview Magazine. Scroll down for more. And yes, it's Katy Perry.

On hosting Saturday Night Live: “I thought it was really fun, and, of course, interesting and educational in terms of how the industry works…You know how they call SNL ‘the institution?’ It is like an institution—but in a good way. There’s nothing like it, so everyone kind of dreams about doing it. But then you actually get there and realize how much work it is and how little time you guys have to put the whole show together…I think we had three consecutive 20-hour days or something.”

On being very different from the rest of her family: “I think they just see that the dynamic has changed because I’m in a different place. But it’s not like I disrespect them in any way. I mean, I take care of them. But that’s what I’ve always wanted: to have enough that I could make sure that everyone in my family had enough. I grew up not really having anything, so the idea that I can take care of my family and my friends now is a really cool bonus.”

On what she wants to do when she’s 80: “I feel like I could be in Florida on a kind of healthy trip where I’m just riding my bike and chillin’ at the beach, with an assisted-living condo bit and a meal delivery service—which is sort of how I’m living now. But I also kind of hope that I turn out to be like my grandma, who is 91 and so rad.”


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